Friday, December 27, 2024

The Neil Young Archives - Part Two


 By Raymond Benson

Continuing from Part One, we now take a look at Neil Young Archives Volume II, which was released in late 2020 to subscribers of Neil’s Archives website, and in early 2021 to the public. The period covered by the set is from the second half of 1972 to spring 1976. Differing from Volume I, the second box contains ten CD disks instead of eight, and there were no DVD or Blu-ray editions. However, a “deluxe edition” contained a 250-page book.

The years 1973-1975 were, at that time, thought of as Neil’s “lost weekend” period. It was when he released three consecutive albums that he later dubbed the “ditch trilogy” because some critics had said the artist had fallen “into the ditch” with sub-par releases that were not commercial successes. And while it’s true that the albums Time Fades Away (1973), On the Beach (1974), and Tonight’s the Night (1975) were not big sellers compared to Neil’s big hits of After the Gold Rush (1970) and especially Harvest (1972), they did all right. Furthermore, in hindsight, On the Beach and Tonight’s the Night are now considered by Neil’s hardcore fans, and critics who retro-review them, as masterpieces that are among Neil’s best works. Personally, I rank On the Beach as my number two Neil Young album behind After the Gold Rush!

Neil apparently got back on track with the general public in later 1975 and into ’76, and he would then enter a very fruitful and prolific period in the late 70s, which will be covered in Archives Volume III.

That said, Volume II is mostly wonderful. It’s my favorite of the three Archives sets that have so far been released. Was it a troubled period for Neil Young? Not when compared to his difficult years of the mid-1980s! In fact, 1972-1976 was filled with some of Neil’s most heartfelt and soul-searching work. The overnight success he achieved between 1969-1972 with Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, and with the two hit albums of Gold Rush and Harvest, suddenly made Neil a multi-millionaire. He hadn’t expected it and he wasn’t prepared for it. Added to all this fame was the fact that he lost close friends to heroin addiction (Danny Whitten of Crazy Horse and Bruce Berry, a beloved roadie), was over-indulging in alcohol and drugs (but never heroin), and dealing with a troubled personal relationship that was spiraling (with Carrie Snodgress). Neil took a deep dive into depression and uncertainty. Hence, his pain and angst all comes out in the music produced during the period. And we know that’s what makes good art.

Once again, as in Volume I, there were some repeat disks included that had already been released separately and there was a lot of studio material that had appeared on the various albums from the era. Still, what we hadn’t heard before is well worth the price of admission.

Disk 1: Everybody’s Alone (1972-1973). After the release of Harvest in the spring of ’72, Neil was recuperating from back surgery at his ranch in northern California. That didn’t keep him from recording demos in his home studio, and this disk presents many of them that are simply fabulous. A few are songs we’ve never heard before, such as “Come Along and Say You Will,” recorded with the backup band he dubbed the Stray Gators. A major tour was planned for early 1973, so a lot of these rehearsals appear here. The so-called “Time Fades Away Tour” of ’73, however, was pretty much a disaster. Neil and the band members apparently didn’t get along and Neil’s voice went out part-way through the tour. The live album Time Fades Away was recorded on the road, and Neil considers this his worst album. While I didn’t mind it at all at the time, and I still like parts of it, it’s true that this work doesn’t reflect Neil’s best. Other, better unreleased live material from the tour appears on Disk 1, though. At the end is an unreleased track from aborted recordings with CSNY in May 1973. “Human Highway,” which would be recorded again later by CSNY and by Neil himself, is simply gorgeous here.

Disk 2: Tuscaloosa (1973). This is one of the Archives disks that had been previously released separately (in 2019). It was recorded live with the Stray Gators, early in the ’73 tour while Neil’s voice was good and the band was gelling. This is pretty good stuff, and miles beyond the Time Fades Away live tracks. Why Neil didn’t release this back in 1973 instead of Time is a mystery. Half of it is Neil solo and acoustic, and the other half is with the band.

Disk 3: Tonight’s the Night (1973). Not to be confused with the album released with the same title. In May of ’73, Neil put together a band he dubbed the Santa Monica Flyers and recorded tracks that would end up as Tonight’s the Night, the album. However, the sessions were middle-of-the-night drunken debaucheries, apparently, with Neil’s voice cracking and the band playing in slow motion. The songs are hard-hitting, dark, foreboding, and meant as a “wake” for Neil’s friends who had died. He held back the album until early 1975, when some members of The Band heard it and convinced him to release it instead of his planned recently-made studio recording, Homegrown (see Disk 7). So Tonight’s the Night came out to the public in June ’75, two years after its production. Rolling Stone loved it, but just about everyone else didn’t (except for the fans who “got it”). This Archives disk contains some of the tracks from the album as well as outtakes and unreleased recordings, such as when Joni Mitchell popped into the studio and they recorded her song, “Raised on Robbery.” While the unheard tracks are welcome, there is too much here that we already have.

Disk 4: Roxy (1973). Another Archives disk that had been previously released separately (in 2018). This is a live concert presentation of the Tonight’s the Night material from around the time that album was recorded. The performances are sloppy, like the album tracks, but that’s what gives the darker material its charm. Neil is in sideshow barker form, probably drunk, and the album is certainly entertaining from an anthropomorphic standpoint! But in terms of the box set, it’s a superfluous disk.

Disk 5: Walk On (1973-1974). Now things get interesting as Neil records his studio album On the Beach, one of his greatest works, in my opinion. While there are tracks from the album included here, there are a few unreleased ones that are of note, like “Bad Fog of Loneliness” and “Traces.” Despite the familiarity of much of this disk, it’s very welcome after the over-saturation of Tonight’s the Night on the previous two disks.

Disk 6: The Old Homestead (1974). Easily the best disk in Volume II, it contains mostly unreleased material. Demos, recordings with Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young (their big summer tour was in 1974), and songs we’ve never heard before. Crazy Horse had also revamped with a new guitarist, Frank “Pedro” Sampedro, so Neil was doing some recordings with them as well. Neil was definitely out of the “ditch.” All great stuff.

Disk 7: Homegrown (1974-1975). This studio album, recorded in late ’74 and early ’75, was meant to be the album release of 1975. However, as noted above on Disk 3, Rick Danko of The Band allegedly convinced Neil to shelve Homegrown and release Tonight’s the Night instead. So Homegrown went into the vault. Over the next few years, though, Neil would cherry-pick some tracks from it and place them on other albums such as American Stars ‘n’ Bars (1977) and Hawks and Doves (1980). The other songs, though, are unheard! Frankly, I feel Homegrown should have been released in ’75, with or without Tonight’s the Night in the mix! The only issue here is that Homegrown had been previously released as a separate Archives disk in early 2020, making it the third gratuitous disk in the box set. Still… it’s quite worthwhile for those who had not purchased it earlier.

Disk 8: Dume (1975) covers Neil’s recordings with the new Crazy Horse lineup in the making of the 1975 album Zuma. Neil and the Horse are back, rocking and rolling, with some of the best material this outfit ever made. Yes, there are plenty of tracks from Zuma here, but also some outtakes and unreleased recordings. All fantastic stuff. Play it loud.

Disk 9: Look Out for My Love (1975-1976). Another great disk in the set, it includes more recordings, heard and unheard, with Crazy Horse. Neil also teamed up with Stephen Stills for a duo tour and album (Long May You Run, 1976), so some sessions from that are here. CSNY reformed briefly for a possible studio album, and there are a couple of discarded tracks from that, such as an updated version of “Human Highway” (compare it to the one on Disk 1!).


Disk 10: Odeon/Budokan (1976). In the spring of 1976, Neil and Crazy Horse went on a tour to England and Japan to promote Zuma. There are recordings here from the concerts at the Odeon in London and at Budokan in Japan. The tracks start off with Neil solo acoustic, and then the Horse joins him and they rock out. All great stuff, as these shows are considered legendary in the Neil/Horse mythology.

And then it all ends in the spring of ’76. Volume III actually begins with even more live material from the Odeon/Budokan shows, so it’s odd that these were separated into two different Archives sets. But more on that next time.

In closing… Even though Volume II had some redundant disks and material, the unheard stuff is absolutely marvelous… and it showcases Neil at a time when he was first devolving and then evolving into a triumphant artistic excellence that was not appreciated as such at the time.

To Be Continued. 

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